Sunday, May 31, 2020
A Breath For Change
Taking a breath for Change
Some people say life is what you make it, but at times, I beg to differ. While growing up, I learned at an early age that LOVE conquers all things. Hatred, doesn’t have the ability to conquer, because it lacks the ability to “accept.”
During these last few days, I tried to be opened minded about what’s going on throughout this great
nation. After a short while of pondering, I realize that America is under a great attack and Americans are losing the battle to two types of sickness. The two types of sickness challenging America right now, are Covid-19 and Racism. Both of these diseases have the ability to destroy way too many lives. Not only that, but both of these diseases have brought America to its' knees. So, What do we do now?
Out of these two aforementioned above, the widest “trench” that has prevented Americans from safely making it to the other side is, racism. After watching a young black boy get killed while jogging, and then, watching an officer place his knee on the neck of a black man already subdued, until he dies,makes me question the consciousness of mankind. Who are we as Americans? Do you not feel the pain,see the worth or hear the cry of inequality? We must understand that the only thing that grows from hatred, is more hatred.
Unfortunately, there are those that will see no wrong in either case. If this statement proves to be true,
then a continual fall is very imminent and racism will continue to sprout from the soils of America. To hear of someone being killed is one thing, but to witness a man struggling to breathe as those in authority, ignore his cry for help; challenges the moral principles of each one of those involved.
Last, as stated earlier, what do we do? If healing in America is to ever take place, then Americans must be willing to take its medicine. There must be a filled prescription of open dialogue, love, acceptance, self conviction, (when it comes to how we treat others) and then, even more love. If America is to get well, we must be willing to self quarantine ourselves away from the evil thoughts of racism and take each breath without resistance.
*Peace unto America, and may we all, one day learn to love and respect each other. Our lives
depends on it
Christopher Ty
Monday, December 23, 2019
Who Cares?
Living 2 Die:
I hear stories about gun violence almost weekly throughout the news media. It send chills all over me when I hear that a shooter has shot scores of innocent people for no reason at all. This is tragic. What's equally tragic, are the number of youths within my own city that have died and no one within the community seems to be hurting. At least not hurting enough to be proactive.
As I sat my grandson down around the kitchen table, I walked through the importance of living life. Not only did I walk through the importance of living life, but I walked him through the importance of living to love others just as yourself. As I was doing this, it never dawned on me, just how many young people have died, until I opened up my laptop to show him the number of murders that have been committed in Augusta during 2019. He was shocked. I too was shocked. But I recognized a difference in these shootings. The same type shootings that have been going on throughout Atlanta, Baltimore, Arkansas, Chicago, Arizona, and other major cities have all involved predominantly black youths. I try not to jump to conclusion, because maybe I'm looking at this in a different way, but I can't help it. I noticed that black youths are at a higher rate of dying young than any other race of people on the planet. No, they're not dying at the hands of white men, Asian men, Hispanic men, or any other group of men, but they're dying at the hands of other black men.
So.., as I sat down scrolling through those that have been killed, I realized something interesting. What's interesting is this: If blacks hadn't been involved in the murders of their own people in Augusta Ga., then Augusta would be the safest city to live in. Perhaps, at least one of the safest cities.
So.., as I sat down scrolling through those that have been killed, I realized something interesting. What's interesting is this: If blacks hadn't been involved in the murders of their own people in Augusta Ga., then Augusta would be the safest city to live in. Perhaps, at least one of the safest cities.
Not only have black youths been killing each other at an alarming rate, but many cities throughout America have incurred a daunting social impact secondary to violence that many black youths impose on certain areas. How so? Because of Fear. The murders we read about are real. Why would anyone want to invest, build, or revitalize within an area that has decayed secondary to violence. Somehow, when murders occur often enough within certain areas, people become numb to it and simply accept it.
There're times when I'm sitting in barber shops, only to hear men (black men) talk about certain shootings as if it's the topic of the day. This is the noose that black men, not white men, carry when they pull the trigger on each other. We talk about it, but too few care to be proactive about it. Black men not only kill other black men at a rapid pace, but they kill dreams and generations that could have possibly been great generations of men and women to come.
There're times when I'm sitting in barber shops, only to hear men (black men) talk about certain shootings as if it's the topic of the day. This is the noose that black men, not white men, carry when they pull the trigger on each other. We talk about it, but too few care to be proactive about it. Black men not only kill other black men at a rapid pace, but they kill dreams and generations that could have possibly been great generations of men and women to come.
So my question to my grandson was this: Who do you think cares? Not only who cares, but why aren't anyone doing anything? Where are the rising black churches? Where are the black men, fathers who care, brothers who are looking for social change or even Black lives matter? Where are they? As a mentor of black youths, I've never been concern about political jargon just to get attention for a political donation. The truth is: We are witnessing senseless deaths from the hands of out of control black youths and black people are turning their heads as if it's the norm. It's much easier to say, "it's gang related," when senseless killings of our youths are just as normal as going in to work. How can a slogan like this be used to justify death?
Onward, just for one second; lets think out of the box. What if it was a white man that committed the double murder of Jabrie Dominiquez and Charles Lawson, this month in Augusta? What if it was a white man that murdered Malik Harvey & Jahlil Brick house in July 2019? What if an officer murdered Tacorey Brigham in November 2019? What if Tymbralyn Kelly, who was 17 years old, was murdered by someone of a different race? Just what if? By the way, when Tymbralyn was dying, some of his last words were; "I'm not ready to die yet...." Think about it. A 17 year old kid having to murmur those words is not only heart breaking, but no one heard his cry. In case you didn't know, I could tell you what would have happened if it was an officer or white men who would have committed such atrocities. It would have been mayhem. Those African American lawyers that have a platform in the media, the Sharptons and Jacksons of the world would have all stepped down onto the city of Augusta seeking to extract not justice, but dollar signs. So why wouldn't they come now in the event that young blacks are murdering each other? The truth is this: Not only are black men the ones carrying the noose within their own communities, but there is no money to extract when black men kill other black men. Plainly put.., no one cares?
The truth is: These 6 deaths named were not even half the number of people killed in the city of Augusta in 2019. Not even half. But who cares?
Finally, I ended my conversation this way with my grandson. As you walk through life, you have to be extremely careful in how you conduct yourself and the places you attend. Our society is a big circle. Within this circle, there's a level of measurement to consider, just like a measuring cup. If you are thuggin, selling drugs, throwing up gang signs, rappin' negative lyrics, beefing, robbing, fighting, hustling (negatively) or hurting others, you are at the bottom of this circle. You are the one carrying the noose. Being at the bottom of this circle profits you nothing but either going to jail or an untimely death.
I went on to tell him this. It's impossible to put everything on the system because the system's not involved in the home training of our children. They are not involved in teaching morals, praying and the teaching of how to love others as your yourself. This is the choice that families must engage in, but all too many times, the system is blamed for.
Finally, when people who commit crime refuse to change, then the only other change that's left to incur, is death. A death that is way too soon.
Christopher Ty:
The Noose of The Black community
Finally, I ended my conversation this way with my grandson. As you walk through life, you have to be extremely careful in how you conduct yourself and the places you attend. Our society is a big circle. Within this circle, there's a level of measurement to consider, just like a measuring cup. If you are thuggin, selling drugs, throwing up gang signs, rappin' negative lyrics, beefing, robbing, fighting, hustling (negatively) or hurting others, you are at the bottom of this circle. You are the one carrying the noose. Being at the bottom of this circle profits you nothing but either going to jail or an untimely death.
I went on to tell him this. It's impossible to put everything on the system because the system's not involved in the home training of our children. They are not involved in teaching morals, praying and the teaching of how to love others as your yourself. This is the choice that families must engage in, but all too many times, the system is blamed for.
Finally, when people who commit crime refuse to change, then the only other change that's left to incur, is death. A death that is way too soon.
Christopher Ty:
The Noose of The Black community
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
The Words of a Black Father
of a Black Father
Tragedy comes to arrest
the hope of many Americans, yet again. I strolled through the morning news and
was very hesitant about watching the video of Mr. Alton Sterling. This is the
young man that was killed in Louisiana. Usually my blog deals with black on
black violence, but this time, it’s too unnerving to remain silent. Why?
Because Mr. Sterling could have been any of our sons. It seems that those of
minority descent are murdered at higher rates than other ethnic groups. Better yet, according to, “young
black men are 21 times more likely to be killed by cops than young white men.”
This was taken from a ProPublica analysis.
The video is very clear. What’s not clear
is the reason that Mr. Sterling was shot several times while on the ground. As
the news continue to circulate, many people will dissect everything that went
on based upon the video. The tragic part is this. Once Mr. Sterling was thrown
to the ground, we are able to see a weapon placed to his head. My question is,
why place a loaded gun to his head? Also, prior to being rushed and thrown to
the ground, was not his rights infringed upon at that time? Was Mr. Sterling
asked to raise his hands, get on the ground, or was he just rushed and thrown
to the ground by a hypervigilant police officer?
Although all of these are important
questions to consider, the most important problem is that, Mr. Sterling was shot
and killed. Not only was he shot once, but multiple times. Now, for those who
may have a hard time trying to figure out whether or not the policeman was
right, consider this. What if your son was in this video was the one being
killed? That is the only way to fairly
judge this whole scenario. If we are to understand love and self value,
sometimes we have to place those we love dearly within such similar situations
in order to arrive at fair justice.
The reason is secondary to how human
dignity should be viewed regardless of his background, race or religious
beliefs. In other words, this video clearly shows that the policemen were in
control of Mr. Sterling. After control had been established, a number of shots
were fired and still I ask, did he have
to be killed?
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Dying To Be Recognize...
The Heart of The Matter!!!
Caution: Violence
After watching the video involving the death of a
black teenager being stabbed in the city of Augusta, Ga., I felt torn. I was
torn for a number of reasons. I want delve into all the reasons, but I thought
it to be a good time to introduce others to a small truth. A truth that
involves those with broken morals.
First, it
took me a while to digest what I witnessed on the video. Then I had to come up
with a plan on what to say. Initially, the first thing that came to mind is my
first book, The Noose On the Black
Then I asked this one simple question. What is
going on with people?
There seems to be an injustice dwelling upon the
community of those that readily embrace broken morals. Not only are broken
morals embraced by indignant people, but self-denial seems to be at the forefront of the violence we see played out in the media. Let me explain.
When people
are killed by members of their own community, then Hate is the substratum of it all. Not only is it considered hate,
but those carrying the noose are usually the ones’ responsible for the veil,
that is cast widely over the minds of those in denial. In other words, the
breakdown of morals, character and a desultory view of the individual self, all leads to failure. It leads to
failure for the individual and subsequently, a wider spread of failure for those
within the community.
So, when America witnessed the stabbing of Demajhay
Bell, we not only witnessed ignorance among this group of people, but we
witnessed a sickness that has become cancerous throughout many similar
communities. The unfortunate part is that many are unaware of their own
failures. Crimes like this one, also birth a new meaning to the phrase, being or acting neighborly. Could this
be the reason why the word hood has
such a big disconnect from the word neighbor?
Think about it. One of the many definitions of the word neighbor is as follow. A neighbor is “a person who shows kindliness
or helpfulness towards his or her fellow human.”
With that being
said, I’ll let you come up with your own definition for the word, hood. By the way, hood is a word widely embraced by many young minds that are blinded
by the veil of ignorance. Hmmm…, have you ever heard the phrase? I’m from
the hood.
Next, if good men cannot head up communities
and become positive role models, then how does a group of people ever change?
How will this psychological noose become loosened away from the minds of those
that are in denial, readily asphyxiating their lives? The answer is quite simple. There will never be change, if there’s never a desire to understand the
agent of change. The agent of change I"m speaking of, is that of Self.
So, when I see videos like that of Mr. Bell,
or read about black men killing each other (which is massive) it's at that point, the phrase: Black
Lives Matter, makes no sense. It only makes sense as a slogan, in the
political arena as it deflects the truth away from the real issues, that enough black men aren't willing to acknowledge....The truth is, All Lives
Finally, we
must understand that self-value is the foundation of human dignity. When people
don’t value themselves, it’s difficult to value neighbors, friends, and others
throughout society. It’s also hard for others to place any kind of substantial value on those who aren't willing to value themselves. Altogether, a devalued self is always predicated
upon the notion of denial (black lives matter). Such denials, will always exist within the
minds of those creating such a lifestyle. It’s further imputed onto the
minds of others, which leads to a malignant problem that asphyxiates those in close proximity. This dangerous spread of denial will intuitively obstruct the mental growth of
others, causing them to only fight against a system, when in fact, the problem
is that of unmade men, who has rejected their own purpose in life. This denial will
continue to lead towards a tightening of the psychological noose and hence the
slogan, the Noose On the Black Community,
will not cease until broken morals can
become morals that have found a way to become mended morals. This will only happen, when men will educate and rediscover the truth of what really, NOOSE their lives....
Christopher Ty
Friday, January 22, 2016
The Power Of Words
Those of us that have a voice, also carry a gift that is undeniable. That undeniable gift that we carry can never be seen but it’s often felt each time we open our mouth to speak. This gift is called,… the gift of words.
The amazing thing is that; those words that are held within the compartment of our vocals, have the ability to either create life or create death. We also have the ability to speak and create some of the most beautifully designed words that ears may ever hear. That’s right, our tongue have the ability to deliver either the best of us or in some cases, it can deliver the worst of us. It all depends on what you choose to say…
Onward, many of us walk around and never realize just how powerful words are. We often take our words for granted. Some people even boldly speak (to others) what they desire to speak, without thinking about who’s being hurt or the emotional backdraft others may endure behind our spoken words.
For example, how many times have you found yourself in disagreement with someone you cared about. When your temperature rises, do you take a moment and think about what needs to be said, or do you become defensive and use your tongue as a weapon?
My point is this. That small organ that lies within the root of your mouth is so powerful, that it can take on every other organ within the body and easily talk itself away as the winner. That’s why when we speak negatively to others, our feelings, which is the front line of our emotional defense, becomes rattled. After this rattling occurs, our mind holds on to what’s being said only to remind us of the verbal damage long after the argument.
In other words, when we yell, curse, or insult others, we slowly erode their feelings. This is like a slow death for the heart. Not only does the heart feel it, but our emotions become aroused and the mind rejects the very thing that has birth the argument.., a foul tongue.
So, when we curse or shout at the ones we confess to love, think about this.
Speak Life!
The amazing thing is that; those words that are held within the compartment of our vocals, have the ability to either create life or create death. We also have the ability to speak and create some of the most beautifully designed words that ears may ever hear. That’s right, our tongue have the ability to deliver either the best of us or in some cases, it can deliver the worst of us. It all depends on what you choose to say…
Onward, many of us walk around and never realize just how powerful words are. We often take our words for granted. Some people even boldly speak (to others) what they desire to speak, without thinking about who’s being hurt or the emotional backdraft others may endure behind our spoken words.
For example, how many times have you found yourself in disagreement with someone you cared about. When your temperature rises, do you take a moment and think about what needs to be said, or do you become defensive and use your tongue as a weapon?
My point is this. That small organ that lies within the root of your mouth is so powerful, that it can take on every other organ within the body and easily talk itself away as the winner. That’s why when we speak negatively to others, our feelings, which is the front line of our emotional defense, becomes rattled. After this rattling occurs, our mind holds on to what’s being said only to remind us of the verbal damage long after the argument.
In other words, when we yell, curse, or insult others, we slowly erode their feelings. This is like a slow death for the heart. Not only does the heart feel it, but our emotions become aroused and the mind rejects the very thing that has birth the argument.., a foul tongue.
So, when we curse or shout at the ones we confess to love, think about this.
- we erode their feelings
- our heart gives up a part of truth
- and their mind recedes to a place of protection, leaving us to be the beholder of our own foul tongue.
Speak Life!
Monday, October 5, 2015
Upcoming New Indie Author
Upcoming New Author
Upcoming and new Indie Author, Christopher Ty, brings a whole new spin to writing. Not only has Christopher Ty made big waves in the sea of writing from a very descriptive stand point, but his style of writing speaks for itself.
His book For the Love of Her,, has reached over 27 countries and is still maintaining its 5 Star rating on Amazon. One reviewer says it all when she states:
Christopher Ty's "For the Love of Her" is an intimate portrait told from his perspective. It's very relatable, displays raw honesty and intense emotions. The book speaks volume about the content of true character, revealing that not all abused males, particularly black males, become abusers themselves. This poignant yet constant struggle of man vs. inner child desires the need for love, acceptance and self-control. I like that he exchanges a destructive mindset, for one that is constructive and productive. During the story, Christopher Ty struggles with his own self-destruction while trying to keep that ticking time bomb on the inside from detonating.
It's epic and powerful to watch his consistent growth and hunger for change. What doesn't kills you makes you stronger, is the usual mantra which I've always found to be sorely lacking in it's context. On the other hand, either you let it kill you or you can survive the experience and reconstruct your strength while doing so. This book is a testament to that. To triumph over great adversity is the truest form of "survival of the fittest." Amazon Review.
After catching up with Christopher Ty, I had a few questions for him and he answered in this manner.
1. What inspired you to write the Story For the Love of Her?
What inspired me was believing that I could tell my story and most of all, help others to overcome difficult experiences, they themselves may have endured.
2. Is this your first book?
No, this is my second book. My first book is called, The Noose on the Black Community, under the name Christopher Sullivan.
3. How did you come up with the title of your book?
Well, this may seem bizarre. I've always known that I wanted to write my story. I started writing For the Love of Her, way before the book title even came. One night while sleeping, I awoke in the middle of the night and the name, For the Love of Her, would not leave my mind. So, that's how it all happened.
4. As an upcoming a popular author, what can we expect from you in the future?
I'm glad that you asked that question. I'm currently working on my very first fiction novel. The title is a secret but I will keep you posted. I'm excited about this novel and I'm sure many of my readers are going to find it interesting.

By Sandee Tanksley
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Perception of Many
What Do You Think?
What is it to perception? Perception is one
of the greatest experiences that one can create against another. In the eyes of
the beholder, this word called perception
is enlarged based upon what is seen by the natural eye and above all, those
actions that are displayed before the masses.
Furthermore, without perception, which is
something we all create within our mental faculty, we sometimes hold a veil
against the inlets of our mind. Sometimes our belief, is that others will
accept how we present ourselves. No
matter how we look.
To add to this, one other great value we
experience in life is the freedom to express. It’s our freedom that liberates
us to be whoever and whatever we desire for that moment, but our morals mustn’t
be forgotten. This is a problem I see time after time and with this problem
comes character degradation.
However, one must also understand that there
is a cost for the freedom in which we walk in during this walk of life. In
other words, one of our quest in life should be the discovery of self. “Discovery of what?” you may ask. Well,
discovery of the following.
of Self
of Others
With all due respect, as I’ve worked with
youths in the past, I’ve addressed and moved the minds of young men from a
dilapidated state, to a higher level of thinking. Many never knew how great of
an asset they were over the liability that existed within an uninformed mind. With
that being said, the reason so many young men overlook character, morals,
respect of self, others and their own ambitions, is all secondary to the
ability to create a foundation they’ve never knew existed. Self-Belief.
So, why do I say this? Well, as I
mentioned earlier, perception in and of itself is an experience that is
completely automatic. In other words, what you decide to dress like,
automatically transmit a signal that carries a weight of influence upon other
minds. So, by knowing this, at some point, one must then ask: Why is that I walk around with such a
dilapidated character, wanting others to trust, give, and believe in something
(me) that goes against the very thought of what they witness before their own
When we don’t believe in ourselves and
carry ourselves in a misaligned way, then others, want believe in us, and perception
is drawn based upon a sensory experience and not a verbal argument.
Ty is the author of The Noose on the Black Community & For
Love of Her.
black history,
black men,
killing laws,
self help,
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