Upcoming New Author
Upcoming and new Indie Author, Christopher Ty, brings a whole new spin to writing. Not only has Christopher Ty made big waves in the sea of writing from a very descriptive stand point, but his style of writing speaks for itself.
His book For the Love of Her, http://www.christopher-ty.com/, has reached over 27 countries and is still maintaining its 5 Star rating on Amazon. One reviewer says it all when she states:
Christopher Ty's "For the Love of Her" is an intimate portrait told from his perspective. It's very relatable, displays raw honesty and intense emotions. The book speaks volume about the content of true character, revealing that not all abused males, particularly black males, become abusers themselves. This poignant yet constant struggle of man vs. inner child desires the need for love, acceptance and self-control. I like that he exchanges a destructive mindset, for one that is constructive and productive. During the story, Christopher Ty struggles with his own self-destruction while trying to keep that ticking time bomb on the inside from detonating.
It's epic and powerful to watch his consistent growth and hunger for change. What doesn't kills you makes you stronger, is the usual mantra which I've always found to be sorely lacking in it's context. On the other hand, either you let it kill you or you can survive the experience and reconstruct your strength while doing so. This book is a testament to that. To triumph over great adversity is the truest form of "survival of the fittest." Amazon Review.
After catching up with Christopher Ty, I had a few questions for him and he answered in this manner.
1. What inspired you to write the Story For the Love of Her?
What inspired me was believing that I could tell my story and most of all, help others to overcome difficult experiences, they themselves may have endured.
2. Is this your first book?
No, this is my second book. My first book is called, The Noose on the Black Community, under the name Christopher Sullivan.
3. How did you come up with the title of your book?
Well, this may seem bizarre. I've always known that I wanted to write my story. I started writing For the Love of Her, way before the book title even came. One night while sleeping, I awoke in the middle of the night and the name, For the Love of Her, would not leave my mind. So, that's how it all happened.
4. As an upcoming a popular author, what can we expect from you in the future?
I'm glad that you asked that question. I'm currently working on my very first fiction novel. The title is a secret but I will keep you posted. I'm excited about this novel and I'm sure many of my readers are going to find it interesting.

By Sandee Tanksley