Monday, April 28, 2014

Donald Sterling: Money can't pay for Character...

     The latest news circling around the United States involves one of the worst expressions that can sat upon the face of America and that expression is Racism. As many people know, racism has not only been a thing of the past, but as Donald Sterling just showed us, it can camouflage itself in the deepest portals of ones' soul and move through life with hidden agendas in the most manipulative fashion.
     What is it that makes people feel this way about a different culture of people? Does people like Donald Sterling really believe that his race is one of the elite races or is it just a misfire of brain cells that causes a delusional state of being for the moment?
     Whatever it maybe, one must realize that "you should never allow your talent to take you places, where you character can't keep you!
     As we all may know, having good character is not only essential, but its paramount if we are to live and interconnect with others. Some may say, "well he grew up in an era, where racism was taught" and easily let him off the hook for his finite way of thinking and his display of ignorance. Although it maybe true that his era (him being 80 yrs. old) may have socialized him to think in such a twisted way, he must recognize that its been the friendliness of time that has allowed him to rejoice in the wealth he's earned but now must suffer with the belief he beholds.
    Not only does such a mark of racism reappears across the face of America from time to time but if it remains untreated, then this mark will open up more as infection sets in and take its course. This imperfect mark will never heal itself if Americans continue to walk around and never acknowledge the "blemish mark" in which everyone seems to focus on when staring "you" in the face.
     Finally, the fortunate part is that there is a resolve for such a matter as this. The resolve deals with true acceptance and true forgiveness. The unfortunate part deals with the fact that some people simply refuse to demonstrate worldcentric love. However, if we as Americans continue to move through life treating others in a way we would never want to be treated ourselves, then America as we know it would always be seen just as others view Mr. Donald Sterling at this time and that is,......Fake.

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