When it comes down to protesting against violence, are blacks willing to march on blacks just as they are willing to march against whites? My answer.., No...
First, I have much respect for the award winning writer Juan Williams in his effort to respond to the question, "Why don't Black People Protest Black on Black Violence?" His answer can be found in the Atlantic.
The issue concerning some black people, not all, and their participation in marches only when the system comes against African Americans is strange. I want you to pay particular attention to the word system, because this is where the focal point lies within the psyche of many African Americans.
Juan Williams pointed out the number of marches or rallies that took place throughout America for peaceful demonstration. But, usually when marches occur with blacks taking a stand against their own, why is it that a number of murders must occur before they become reactive? In other words, this is the act of reactivity versus proactivity.
Speaking as a black man and in my humble opinion, blacks usually negate from marching on each other because we readily feel justified about our actions and have learned to accept blacks killing blacks. There are many reason that will substantiate this argument, but I will only name a few..
First, many blacks have not forgiven the system for what has transpired from years ago. I'm speaking of slavery and the actions taken upon slaves. This willingness to not forgive continues to riddle throughout the minds of many blacks. This keeps many at a frozen point and blinds them from the truth that takes place within the black community. More of a directive focus is directed at the system. A good analogy is the System being a step parent to black Americans who can be considered step-children.
Onward, this experience of not forgiving incites "reactivity " whenever someone from the white
community harms a black person. In truth, blacks shoot and kill blacks all the time, but there are rarely marches alike the ones we have seen in the Trayvon Martin case and now the most recent one
in Missouri surrounding Michael Brown. Here, the world now witness not only marching but massive looting and violence. Can any one explain the looting? Hmmm
So, why is this? The reason may lie within the need to have answers for such bad treatment stemming from the step-parent (system) syndrome and the right to be treated like biological kids. The word racism hasn't been broken down nor understood within the minds of many, therefore, leaving many to have a broken consciousness towards the system. In America, racism seems to be one sided and this is the problem. Killing is killing no matter what color a person may be. This must be understood.
From this misunderstanding, marches are usually aimed at the system and these type marches will last for days as we've seen in Missouri and other places. It is the system that many blame, whenever a white man kills a black man. The system has an associated value in which many black marchers can identify with, but psychologically, many blacks see less value when it comes down to how blacks perceive each other. This is why blacks youths can kill each other and very little is done..in other words, there is no money in saving black youths. If we are to save them, the best investment will be God, love and education...Not MUSIC or SPORTS.
One case out of many involves Ladeddric Love in Atlanta, Ga. This 19 year old kid was accosted by two black men. One of them had an assault rifle at a gas station in Atlanta, Ga. and proceeded to shoot into the car a number of times hitting Ladeddric, the woman and child in broad daylight. Unfortunately, Ladeddric Love dies of his injuries..Where is the concern? Cases like this one has happened numerous of times and still no marches, until too many shootings have occurred. In case you didn't know, one shooting is too many in America. (The Noose On the Black Community) www.christopher-Ty.com
Finally, the only way in which this type of asphyxia can be released off the psyche of black Americans is to establish value within ourselves. First, Blacks must educate and not tolerate senseless destruction at anytime from each other. This must start with educating youths to understand social morals, spiritual value and self respect before we ever get to pointing the finger at the system. Too much focus is aimed at rectifying the system, when in truth , we ourselves have become our greatest liability...
Christopher Ty
Author of "The Noose on the Black Community"
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