Monday, October 5, 2015
Upcoming New Indie Author
Upcoming New Author
Upcoming and new Indie Author, Christopher Ty, brings a whole new spin to writing. Not only has Christopher Ty made big waves in the sea of writing from a very descriptive stand point, but his style of writing speaks for itself.
His book For the Love of Her,, has reached over 27 countries and is still maintaining its 5 Star rating on Amazon. One reviewer says it all when she states:
Christopher Ty's "For the Love of Her" is an intimate portrait told from his perspective. It's very relatable, displays raw honesty and intense emotions. The book speaks volume about the content of true character, revealing that not all abused males, particularly black males, become abusers themselves. This poignant yet constant struggle of man vs. inner child desires the need for love, acceptance and self-control. I like that he exchanges a destructive mindset, for one that is constructive and productive. During the story, Christopher Ty struggles with his own self-destruction while trying to keep that ticking time bomb on the inside from detonating.
It's epic and powerful to watch his consistent growth and hunger for change. What doesn't kills you makes you stronger, is the usual mantra which I've always found to be sorely lacking in it's context. On the other hand, either you let it kill you or you can survive the experience and reconstruct your strength while doing so. This book is a testament to that. To triumph over great adversity is the truest form of "survival of the fittest." Amazon Review.
After catching up with Christopher Ty, I had a few questions for him and he answered in this manner.
1. What inspired you to write the Story For the Love of Her?
What inspired me was believing that I could tell my story and most of all, help others to overcome difficult experiences, they themselves may have endured.
2. Is this your first book?
No, this is my second book. My first book is called, The Noose on the Black Community, under the name Christopher Sullivan.
3. How did you come up with the title of your book?
Well, this may seem bizarre. I've always known that I wanted to write my story. I started writing For the Love of Her, way before the book title even came. One night while sleeping, I awoke in the middle of the night and the name, For the Love of Her, would not leave my mind. So, that's how it all happened.
4. As an upcoming a popular author, what can we expect from you in the future?
I'm glad that you asked that question. I'm currently working on my very first fiction novel. The title is a secret but I will keep you posted. I'm excited about this novel and I'm sure many of my readers are going to find it interesting.
By Sandee Tanksley
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Perception of Many
What Do You Think?
What is it to perception? Perception is one
of the greatest experiences that one can create against another. In the eyes of
the beholder, this word called perception
is enlarged based upon what is seen by the natural eye and above all, those
actions that are displayed before the masses.
Furthermore, without perception, which is
something we all create within our mental faculty, we sometimes hold a veil
against the inlets of our mind. Sometimes our belief, is that others will
accept how we present ourselves. No
matter how we look.
To add to this, one other great value we
experience in life is the freedom to express. It’s our freedom that liberates
us to be whoever and whatever we desire for that moment, but our morals mustn’t
be forgotten. This is a problem I see time after time and with this problem
comes character degradation.
However, one must also understand that there
is a cost for the freedom in which we walk in during this walk of life. In
other words, one of our quest in life should be the discovery of self. “Discovery of what?” you may ask. Well,
discovery of the following.
of Self
of Others
With all due respect, as I’ve worked with
youths in the past, I’ve addressed and moved the minds of young men from a
dilapidated state, to a higher level of thinking. Many never knew how great of
an asset they were over the liability that existed within an uninformed mind. With
that being said, the reason so many young men overlook character, morals,
respect of self, others and their own ambitions, is all secondary to the
ability to create a foundation they’ve never knew existed. Self-Belief.
So, why do I say this? Well, as I
mentioned earlier, perception in and of itself is an experience that is
completely automatic. In other words, what you decide to dress like,
automatically transmit a signal that carries a weight of influence upon other
minds. So, by knowing this, at some point, one must then ask: Why is that I walk around with such a
dilapidated character, wanting others to trust, give, and believe in something
(me) that goes against the very thought of what they witness before their own
When we don’t believe in ourselves and
carry ourselves in a misaligned way, then others, want believe in us, and perception
is drawn based upon a sensory experience and not a verbal argument.
Ty is the author of The Noose on the Black Community & For
Love of Her.
black history,
black men,
killing laws,
self help,
Friday, July 10, 2015
Anchors In Life
Weights In Life:
When you hear the word weight, most if not
all, know and understand just what a weight entails. There’re many types of
weights in life. Some people use weights to ensure they are gaining the right
amount of use out of them. When weights are used in this manner, it has a
tendency to build muscles within the body. Others may allow weights to settle
upon them and it may take years to remove it. When weights are used in this
manner, it has a tendency to anchor you, right in the place you're at in life.
First, what happens when we allow people or
things to become weights in our life? The answer is: our movement becomes
slowed or we cease to move along our desire pathway in life. When we are
anchored, no matter how we think of moving forward, it will never happen
because of the weights that are attached to us.
On a
different note, I would like to point out that weights can come in many
different sizes. The bigger they are (problems) the more force you’ll have to
used in order to destroy such a (weighty) relationship. The whole point in
being able to pinpoint those that are weighing you down in life is to, liberate
yourself from that point of restraint. When this is done, freedom is realized:
What are
that abuse you
that speak down to you
When you have a desire to move forward in
life, then, you must understand that, this desire is yours and yours to protect
solely. There are people in this world,
sometimes that are close to us, that will take your desires and annihilate them
simply because they may not agree with it. Never allow dream killers to
manifest nor keep attachments to you during your life. Dream killers are big
Next, there are those that are simply negative.
It’s hard enough to stay consistent with
what you desire to do and where you desire to go in life, but when you have
someone in your life that badgers you constantly, …they can be considered a
weight problem. You must understand this. The only reason that people are
willing to speak (curse) in a negative way towards others, is because they are
themselves negative. When you are a negative individual, one of your sole
purposes in life is to condemn others. Negative people condemn others, because
they themselves feel condemn. This is a major weight and negative people
utilized this well.
Onward, never settle for abuse. Abuse
itself, is a massive weight. It ‘s massive because it has the ability to
refract into so many different directions. Some of the ways that abuse can
anchor you in life may deal with the physical, mental, emotional and even
spiritual. Also, when this type of weight exist within your life for a long
period of time, it can create self destruction in many different ways. Be
Finally, people that speak down on you
is a weight that can easily be removed, but you have to be willing to lift it.
I’ve seen this first hand. The tricky part about this weight is that, those
that are anchoring you down, may live in
close proximity. This makes the anchor that much more difficult to remove. Why?
Because many have established relationships
with people that may anchor them. This can easily cause you to see, only what you chose
to see within the relationship. When this happens, you can easily overlook the very thing that is anchoring you
So, always be cautious, move constantly (towards your goal) and stay free
of the weights of this world. They are only in place to put strain on your life.....
Christopher Ty
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The Pain on the Inside....
I awoke this morning to some horrific news. There'd been a shooting in Charleston, S.C. at a historically black church. As I sifted through the story, I had hopes that know one had lost their lives to some random person coming in off the streets to attend church service. As the story unfold, I realized that nine people had lost their lives to not only a sinful act, but an action that can never be explained in a way that would make sense.
I tried to make sense of the foolishness that had transpired. To kill an innocent person is one thing, but to kill individuals within a church is on a totally different level. Evil actions like this one signifies that there are some that truly coexist with the principalities of darkness and somehow, find gratification when they can inflict their horrible actions upon others.
As I mulled over the story in it's entirety, the one thing that came to mind is how incredible the actions of sin can become. According to CNN, the crime is being looked at as a hate crime., but I see it in a more bifocal way.
Not only has this crime introduced a new wave of violence, but it displayed a despicable action towards the individuals, the church and the world. Proverbs 25:28 asserts: "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
I make mention of this verse because in truth: although it is seen as a hate crime, the crime itself depicts a crime against humanity. When we as Americans have no moral nor spiritual boundaries set within the confinements of our beings, it is then that we can easily become the most dangerous person walking around.
When moral and spiritual walls are torn
down, there is little left on the inside of the physical being to sustain a
person's actions. Not only does he or she becomes vulnerable to him or herself,
but those that are innocent can easily become victims of the very ones we
entrust to dwell among us, in a civilized manner.
Author Christopher Ty
I tried to make sense of the foolishness that had transpired. To kill an innocent person is one thing, but to kill individuals within a church is on a totally different level. Evil actions like this one signifies that there are some that truly coexist with the principalities of darkness and somehow, find gratification when they can inflict their horrible actions upon others.
As I mulled over the story in it's entirety, the one thing that came to mind is how incredible the actions of sin can become. According to CNN, the crime is being looked at as a hate crime., but I see it in a more bifocal way.
Not only has this crime introduced a new wave of violence, but it displayed a despicable action towards the individuals, the church and the world. Proverbs 25:28 asserts: "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
I make mention of this verse because in truth: although it is seen as a hate crime, the crime itself depicts a crime against humanity. When we as Americans have no moral nor spiritual boundaries set within the confinements of our beings, it is then that we can easily become the most dangerous person walking around.
Author Christopher Ty
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Amazing You!!!
In case you didn't know, we all have this incredible ability to create the experience that is to come within our lifetime. Once this is realized, the question then becomes, are you willing to create it in order to become a better you?
Many people go through life changing experiences simply because of something they may have desired. This is true on many levels, and when circumstances become too much for us to handle, many people are left to reap the consequences. Unfortunately, some of those consequences are more devastating than what we can handle.
As I sat down in the barber's chair this morning to get my hair cut, my barber had a lot of things weighing heavily on his heart. He talked about his current situation and how it was weighing him down in life. I asked him if I could ask him one simple question and he said "yeah." I said, without you sharing your personal business with me, do you find that you may have brought this on yourself now that the dust is all stirred up? He answer with all honesty and said "yes." My point is this. If we engage in experiences that will cause us to tear down, what we've worked on building up within ourselves (character traits), why would we be selfish enough to engage in something that may destroy us?
Just as the barber stated, the life experience that he engaged in was not only fortifying, but it brought him temporal satisfaction. The sad part is this...He never considered his end results and now he's having to pay emotionally. This is where the hook can be found at in life. Anything that brings about temporary pleasure (emotionally), often times will deliver having to deal with difficult consequences.
Because of the life experience in which he CHOSE to go through, he is now left with having to deal with man made consequences. One thing about consequences is this; they are never determined by
the person committing the act.
For example, if I start stealing, the consequence is jail. If I start committing acts of violence, then the consequence could be death. Or if I start practicing at what I wish to conquer, then my consequence will be some type of reward.
Remember, as growing individuals that are seeking strength within ourselves, we will always have the ability to embrace wisdom and knowledge simply by thinking. Without taking into consideration our ability to "think" before acting, we will always dismiss the reality of the experience we would have allowed ourselves to engage in.
Finally, never allow yourself to engage in meaningless experiences, especially those experiences that have the ability to arrest you emotionally. When we put our thoughts to work prior to engaging in anything that may destroy us, it is then that we construct a belief system that holds you (us) accountable to being the best that we can possibly be.
Remember, always love yourself!!
Author Christopher Ty
Many people go through life changing experiences simply because of something they may have desired. This is true on many levels, and when circumstances become too much for us to handle, many people are left to reap the consequences. Unfortunately, some of those consequences are more devastating than what we can handle.
As I sat down in the barber's chair this morning to get my hair cut, my barber had a lot of things weighing heavily on his heart. He talked about his current situation and how it was weighing him down in life. I asked him if I could ask him one simple question and he said "yeah." I said, without you sharing your personal business with me, do you find that you may have brought this on yourself now that the dust is all stirred up? He answer with all honesty and said "yes." My point is this. If we engage in experiences that will cause us to tear down, what we've worked on building up within ourselves (character traits), why would we be selfish enough to engage in something that may destroy us?
Just as the barber stated, the life experience that he engaged in was not only fortifying, but it brought him temporal satisfaction. The sad part is this...He never considered his end results and now he's having to pay emotionally. This is where the hook can be found at in life. Anything that brings about temporary pleasure (emotionally), often times will deliver having to deal with difficult consequences.
Because of the life experience in which he CHOSE to go through, he is now left with having to deal with man made consequences. One thing about consequences is this; they are never determined by
the person committing the act.
For example, if I start stealing, the consequence is jail. If I start committing acts of violence, then the consequence could be death. Or if I start practicing at what I wish to conquer, then my consequence will be some type of reward.
Remember, as growing individuals that are seeking strength within ourselves, we will always have the ability to embrace wisdom and knowledge simply by thinking. Without taking into consideration our ability to "think" before acting, we will always dismiss the reality of the experience we would have allowed ourselves to engage in.
Finally, never allow yourself to engage in meaningless experiences, especially those experiences that have the ability to arrest you emotionally. When we put our thoughts to work prior to engaging in anything that may destroy us, it is then that we construct a belief system that holds you (us) accountable to being the best that we can possibly be.
Remember, always love yourself!!
Author Christopher Ty
self publishing,
Monday, May 11, 2015
Indie Authors: Creating Your Worth...
Indie Authors: Finding Success
you’ve ever wonder where to start with wanting to write your first book, just
ask yourself, what topic do I desire to
write on? There are many Indie Authors that have jumped onto the band wagon
of self- publishing their work and many have found success while doing so.
One such
writer is, Christopher Ty. For years, Christopher Ty toyed around with the
ideal of penning his autobiography but never put the pen to the paper. Then,
after realizing that the world needed to hear his story, he started writing.
After sitting
down, collecting his thoughts, and outlining what it was he wanted to say, he
was on his way. For the Love of Her
came out in 2014 and since the inception of his work Christopher Ty has seen
readers of his book from over 27 different countries.
“For the Love of Her is not just simply a
book,” Christopher goes on to say. For years, it was a piece of work he felt
passionate about. After having gone through the struggle he was subjected to by
way of the woman who raised him, his mother, he felt it was time to conquer the
After penning
his story within a time frame of six months, Christopher decided to put his
work out on the market. Within weeks, Christopher was being called to speak at
book clubs, churches, and convention centers. His platform was child abuse and
with that being said, he not only made big noise in the city of Augusta, Ga.,
concerning child abuse, but he’s even gotten the chance to help mentor youths
that may have been struggling with similar issues.
“Everyone has a
story to tell,” Christopher goes on to say. “The only difference in my story
versus your story is timing.” Not everyone wants to share stories of the past,
but for Christopher Ty he was left feeling completed liberated, after bringing
to life the dark places of his past.
Christopher has now embarked upon another journey. He’s now in the early stages
of completing his first fiction novel. The best advice he gives those desiring
to write fiction or nonfiction is to write, write and write some more. Aside
from that, you must also “read, read, read,” He stated. “When it’s all said and
done,” he goes on to say, “We all have the potentials to pull the best of us to
the forefront of our minds and succeed.”
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Who Deserves This?
We all have freedom of speech, right? But at what expense does one lay down their own emotions just to be told something that is condensing? If you don't know what I mean, I'm talking about being cursed at or cursed out.
It's one thing to be cursed at by some random strangers, but it's another thing to be cursed out by those that profess to love you. When I say the word "those," I'm speaking of a mother, father, sister, brother, husband or wife. Yes, those kinds of people, the ones that say, "I love You" should never have a reason to curse at a love one.
Well, this articles deals with just that. Have you asked yourself this question before. How is it that the one that says, I love you, ends up cursing me out when things go wrong... Is that love? If you don't know the answer I'll explain.
First, no, it's not love. Anyone that calls you a bad name is doing it for a reason. I know, I know, their are those that might call you an ugly name then go back and beg for forgiveness, right? Yes. But, you must not forget this. Anyone that curses at you don't, themselves, understand in it's entirety what it means to love, and as long as you give them the right to speak to you in such a condensing way, they will continue to strengthen their own negative behavior, as long as you tolerate it.
Second, lets think about cursing. When one curses, they not only defile themselves, but they impute a curse over into the spirit of those that are being cussed out.
When you see or hear those that are in a relationship curse at each other, the most unfortunate thing that occurs each time a curse word is used, is the desecration of the relationship. In other words, if you are being cussed at or are cursing someone else, your being is either being desecrated or you are desecrating someone else with your tongue.
Finally, the tongue is one of the most powerful organs of the body. If the brain can be seen as a storage place and the intestine as the universe of the body, then the tongue should be viewed as the axis. Your tongue has the power to make someone happy, destroy them, confuse them or build them up each and every time your mouth opens. Just as the earth rotates on it's axis, your tongue holds a great deal of power within itself. So, when you understand your self worth and realize that you are one of your greatest assets (unto yourself) and no one has that right to desecrate your being, you'll then understand that protecting such a great asset isn't only a right, but it's something that every one deserves and that is, the love that streams from the heart.
Christopher Ty
It's one thing to be cursed at by some random strangers, but it's another thing to be cursed out by those that profess to love you. When I say the word "those," I'm speaking of a mother, father, sister, brother, husband or wife. Yes, those kinds of people, the ones that say, "I love You" should never have a reason to curse at a love one.
Well, this articles deals with just that. Have you asked yourself this question before. How is it that the one that says, I love you, ends up cursing me out when things go wrong... Is that love? If you don't know the answer I'll explain.
First, no, it's not love. Anyone that calls you a bad name is doing it for a reason. I know, I know, their are those that might call you an ugly name then go back and beg for forgiveness, right? Yes. But, you must not forget this. Anyone that curses at you don't, themselves, understand in it's entirety what it means to love, and as long as you give them the right to speak to you in such a condensing way, they will continue to strengthen their own negative behavior, as long as you tolerate it.
Second, lets think about cursing. When one curses, they not only defile themselves, but they impute a curse over into the spirit of those that are being cussed out.
When you see or hear those that are in a relationship curse at each other, the most unfortunate thing that occurs each time a curse word is used, is the desecration of the relationship. In other words, if you are being cussed at or are cursing someone else, your being is either being desecrated or you are desecrating someone else with your tongue.
Finally, the tongue is one of the most powerful organs of the body. If the brain can be seen as a storage place and the intestine as the universe of the body, then the tongue should be viewed as the axis. Your tongue has the power to make someone happy, destroy them, confuse them or build them up each and every time your mouth opens. Just as the earth rotates on it's axis, your tongue holds a great deal of power within itself. So, when you understand your self worth and realize that you are one of your greatest assets (unto yourself) and no one has that right to desecrate your being, you'll then understand that protecting such a great asset isn't only a right, but it's something that every one deserves and that is, the love that streams from the heart.
Christopher Ty
Friday, March 20, 2015
The Black Community...Paralyzed From Within...
Growing up in the black community was a daunting task. As I
grew older there were a number of things in which I realized then, that I was
too blind to see during my years underneath the veil within my community.
Like any other
community, the black community is perceived the way it is perceived secondary
to the actions that occur within its setting. In order to understand and arrive
at a conclusion that is not only justified but truthful concerning the black
community, one must admit to what they know to exist and then reform by way of
teaching and educating.
As the same black
man today than I was yesteryear but with a bit more wisdom, when I read
different articles concerning the black community I ask myself several
questions. One of those questions are: Who are they that commit violence within
the community? Secondly, why does police seem to patrol black communities more
so than other communities within my district?
Well, as I
thought about this, my mind reflected back upon the days in which I grew up
within my own community. My community consisted of hustlers, gamblers, pimps,
drug dealers, two-bit robbers, and peddlers trying to sell everything they
could sell. Having knowing that, one may
ask, why not call the police, right? Yes, but no. You see, within the black
community, the real problem are the (black) men that are in search of trying to
become something they’ve never learned how to become…, Men of Standards. So, many find themselves
committing crimes (selling drugs, robbery, etc.) against each other in order to
get ahead.
Furthermore, I blame black men because it is
black men that are considered to be the foundation of the family. At least that
is what many proclaim to be (I’m a Man!).
Not only are we
considered the foundation of the family, but when things go wrong within our
surrounding communities, 9 times out of 10, the problem starts with the men,
right? So, by knowing this, if the
problem starts with men, then why not start with trying to create better men
within the community? It’s never about getting officers to respect black men, but
it’s all about the individual (black men) showing respect for himself and his
neighbor at all times. I repeat, all times.
Onward, it’s
impossible for better men to be created, if unmade
men are selling drugs, fighting, shooting, robbing and doing everything wrong
within their communities, without someone holding them responsible. Having said
that, this is why the presence of police officers are within black communities
so much. This is a fact, and if one denies this, then, they’ve never lived
within an inner city community.
Finally, my point
is this. A community is only good as the people that lives within it, no matter
what race, or ethnicity they are. However, if the people within the community
continue to accept or make purchases of stolen items, withhold information to
protect the wrong, or refuse to educate and better equip the children within the
community with better morals and better character, then, how does one remove
the noose from around the neck of the community, that could possibly be suffering
from years of asphyxiation?
By Author Christopher
Friday, February 27, 2015
Why Not You!..
You Are You-niquely Made!
Have you ever been told that you would never amount to anything, you aren't good
enough, or that is out of your league? If you have, then chances are, statements like these may have hurt your feelings, right?
I can't begin to tell you how many times people whose lives I've spoken into, have shared with me the devastation they've gone through all because of negativity similar to the aforementioned. I, myself, grew up being told on a regular basis how I would never accomplish anything in life and that I was useless. These were words I sometimes believed, especially when I failed at some random task I was attempting to succeed at.
Initially, these were words, I was not only absorbed in, but they danced around in my mind throughout my life. The pain of it all is that, words like these were being told to me by the people I was most familiar with and they hurt badly. Isn't that how it is sometimes?
Well, as time moved on, I discovered something truly unique. That major discovery was "myself." This may sound very basic or even vague, but there are so many people in this world that is still carrying the weight of a lie within the crevice of their mind all because they've never open there eyes to true "self-discovery." A lie like this, will not only cause one to feel inadequate about their accomplishments in life, but it becomes a weight that resurfaces to the forefront of the mind time after time.
The good thing is this. There are many things that you can do to become a better "you." Better yet, there are things that you can do to remove yourself from underneath a veil that has the power of reminding you of negative words. However, I will name three things that will not only liberate you from past indiscretions but they will help maximize you in the best way possible.
Discovering You
- Dwell on those things that are Good:
- Believe In Yourself:
I come to realize that intrinsic richness is far more greater than external richness. When you start believing in yourself despite what others may say feel about you, you are then on your way to rediscovering the biggest and most valuable gem of all times. That priceless gem is YOU!
Friday, January 16, 2015
The Road to Truth, Love and Non-Violence.
Our Rights vs. Truth
and Love:
The foundation that has led to all
the problems and issues in which we’ve witnessed throughout the media, all
relates to perception, how we respond to perception and those ingredients
called conflict; that experience that is created post-perception.
I battled with writing this blog because it peels back the reflections
upon our minds and this precipitates a gradual judgment on the basis of what is
considered morally right, wrong and morally acceptable in our society of today.
Onward, when one attempts to uncover the issues in which the world has
been introduced to during the wake of Ferguson, we must realize that we all
have a moral obligation to express our “truth” in the best way possible. This
expression usually happens very fast and this is where perception (especially
of another) can be misaligned and remains dangling in the balance. I mention
the word “truth” because understanding truth
is what liberates us from conditions of stored up memories in which our minds
can easily reflect upon. Also, understanding the truth, paves the way for reconciliation. This pathway is first
paved into the direction of ‘self’ and then from self, unto all others.
Next, the bigger question becomes
this: how does the individual perceives ‘self’ and to what degree does the individual
rectify his own actions, especially when he/she is wrong?
Needless to say, as Americans, we all
have a moral right to “due process.” If we were to go further than that, the
question then becomes; what moral rights should individuals put forth into
society vs. what corruption or nature of sin does that same individual(s) extend
upon society? This question causes the individual(s) to not only analyze “self”
but it can hopefully deduce the fact concerning “you” the individual and remove
the focus from what many fight against…, the system. After all, law officials are only a body of
people that have come together to establish this system and like anyone else, they
too may find themselves vulnerable to crime at times.
Furthermore, a lack of understanding
one’s cultural environment can easily lead to a misguided perception. One known
fact is this: We all have perception. Having said that, each individual must
(or should) take the responsibility within his or her own behavioral rights, to
not only embrace their own moral rights, but while doing so, extend the rod of truth
and righteousness unto others, without the color of one’s skin becoming a
factor in such judgment.
In truth, another issue we have witnessed throughout the media within the last few weeks is this: Must we
truly consider the murder of anyone regardless of race, morally right or
morally wrong? How does one justify police brutality or the killing of any man,
whether he’s Black, White, Asian, etc.? On the flip side, how can black men (in
particularly) justify the increased murder rates throughout the major cities
within this country, but not take a similar proactive role, even if the system
(cops) is not to blame for such murders? I mentioned both sides because this is
where perception comes into conflict amongst many people. When I look at the
number of murders that have occurred in places like Chicago, Arkansas, New
Jersey, and other areas, one must ask, how does the same people arrive at
marching with slogans saying I CAN’T
BREATH, but not lift their attention to areas like Chicago that had nearly
500 murders over a year and a half ago, can be very
My point is this: One
mustn’t allow the system to validate their perception of truth concerning
policemen against minorities, while refusing to stand up against other acts of
violence, especially within inner city neighborhoods. If this is allowed,
people will always find themselves marching against the system rather than
ameliorating the lives of those we dwell amongst. Why? Because it’s easier to
throw stones at a giant rather than make peace with those that are at a similar
Although some laws may change, it’s
the system that is the intra-character of this society and it’s our behavior
pitched into this invisible veil that determines the consequences that follows.
In other words, Change starts with “you,” and from this type of positive
change, better morals and character traits are built upon it, only when we work
towards justifying our positive motives.
Furthermore, as Americans, we have always
strived hard to liberate ourselves from the very thing that incarcerates our
progress each and every time we pinpoint “racism” to be the culprit. In other words,
can it truly be the nature of sin
that people are more susceptible to engaging in, rather than the violence,
something based upon what perception of beliefs some have entrained concerning
a group of people? Or, have we been socialized to believe in the negative actions
we’ve witnessed for ourselves, only to influence our cultural environment in a
way only (we) see fit?
I ask this question because I’ve seen
this work both ways. For instance, a group of people may view police officers
to be one way, and police officers may view a group of people in a different
way. In the end, the most important aspect boils down to individual respect
that starts with “self” and is expressed to others. For some people,
understanding where respect derives from, is the key to administering it. Just
as policeman have a civic duty to express respect to all they serve, citizens
also have a duty to respect those men and women that put on that badge each and
every day in order to serve citizens.
Although these questions may open
your eyes to many different pathways in which one can choose from, there is one
final premise in particular I would like to address.
First, men and women alike are
socialized underneath this governmental system in which many depend on to be
the truth, above all other things.
The one thing in which some neglect to understand is this: The system, more
than anything, is an evolving mindset in which people have put forth to be the
solution for most things, but it’s not the defining truth of all things.
History has shown us that fighting the system
will only lead to chaos. Underneath these experiences, there is an expectation
“to do right,” that has been put in place by incredible minds, even if those
working alongside of such a system, chooses to falter along the way from time
to time. Remember, just as they falter, consequences should be extended in
order to justify the means.
In hindsight, fighting against the system in
order to be perceived of having a higher quality of moral values, will always come
into conflict with the very nature of the individual(s), secondary to his or
her perception on what is considered to be morally acceptable in society as a
whole. Not on the streets or your home, etc., but Society as a whole.
To make it much clearer, fighting
against the sin of the individual(s) is a war worth waging against, especially
when you know that your greatest weapon utilized to destroy such a daunting
task is simply LOVE…
Finally, there will be those
that will overlook the whole ideal of understanding this concept. Why? Because
their minds have been interlocked on changing the system in which many may
consider to be racist, rather than dwelling on moral truth and establishing
moral values for the good of ‘self’, family and those that are connected. This
can be useful amongst any ethnic group of people. Rather than fighting the
fight to change the mind of the system, we as Americans must fight to display World
Centric Love, and by doing so, everything else is capable of being penetrated.
Christopher Ty
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