Friday, February 27, 2015

Why Not You!..

                            You Are You-niquely Made!

     Have you ever been told that you would never amount to anything, you aren't good
enough, or that is out of your league?  If you have, then chances are,  statements like these may have hurt your feelings, right?

     I can't begin to tell you how many times people whose lives I've spoken into, have shared with me the devastation they've gone through all because of negativity similar to the aforementioned. I, myself, grew up being told on a regular basis how I would never accomplish anything in life and that I was useless. These were words I sometimes believed, especially when I failed at some random task I was attempting to succeed at.

  Initially, these were words, I was not only absorbed in, but they danced around in my mind throughout my life. The pain of it all is that, words like these were being told to me by the people I was most familiar with and they hurt badly. Isn't that how it is sometimes?

  Well, as time moved on, I discovered something truly unique. That major discovery was "myself." This may sound very basic or even vague, but there are so many people in this world that is still carrying the weight of a lie within the crevice of their mind all because they've never open there eyes to true "self-discovery."  A lie like this, will not only cause one to feel inadequate about their accomplishments in life, but it becomes a weight that resurfaces to the forefront of the mind time after time.
   The good thing is this. There are many things that you can do to become a better "you." Better yet, there are things that you can do to remove yourself from underneath a veil that has the power of reminding you of negative words. However, I will name  three things that will not only liberate you from past indiscretions but they will help maximize you in the best way possible.
  •    Discovering You     

When people are influenced to commit bad acts or believe the untruth about themselves, they become prisoners of other people's opinions. One of the main reasons why negative people dispel negativity upon others is because it was done to them.  This is an unseen force that perpetuates itself and many fall victim to it. In order to discover you, you must be willing to liberate yourself from those things that anchor you in life. Liberation from anything that is negative, not only births freedom inside of you, but it allows you to grow in truth and opens your mind up to being the best that you can be. 

  •  Dwell on those things that are Good:
Have you ever found yourself thinking about something bad some one has told you about yourself or said to you? I would like to think we all have, right? After years of fighting to liberate myself from past lies, I learn to dwell on good things. What do I mean by that? Well, for me, I not only separated myself from negative people, but I started to introduce positive words into my mind. I started remembering bible verses or good quotes that strengthen my mentality. This really helps. These good quotes not only became my weapons I used each time my mind trampled across negativity from the past, but they annihilated those negative thoughts until they were no more.

  • Believe In Yourself:
Before I became fully liberated from believing a lie, I always wondered what other people thought about my actions. The reason I wondered what others thought was because I never fully believed that I was capable of fulfilling my own destiny. I was trapped by what others may have said against me and I needed other people's opinion to validate me. Not only is this a bad way to live your life, but you'll never discover your true potentials when you are depending on others to validate you.
 I come to realize that intrinsic richness is far more greater than external richness. When you start believing in yourself despite what others may say feel about you, you are then on your way to rediscovering the biggest and most valuable gem of all times. That priceless gem is YOU!