Friday, July 10, 2015

Anchors In Life

Anchor Weights In Life:
Hd Anchor Desktop Wallpaper Similar wallpapers to anchor 

    When you hear the word weight, most if not all, know and understand just what a weight entails. There’re many types of weights in life. Some people use weights to ensure they are gaining the right amount of use out of them. When weights are used in this manner, it has a tendency to build muscles within the body. Others may allow weights to settle upon them and it may take years to remove it. When weights are used in this manner, it has a tendency to anchor you, right in the place you're at in life.
       First, what happens when we allow people or things to become weights in our life? The answer is: our movement becomes slowed or we cease to move along our desire pathway in life. When we are anchored, no matter how we think of moving forward, it will never happen because of the weights that are attached to us.
     On a different note, I would like to point out that weights can come in many different sizes. The bigger they are (problems) the more force you’ll have to used in order to destroy such a (weighty) relationship. The whole point in being able to pinpoint those that are weighing you down in life is to, liberate yourself from that point of restraint. When this is done, freedom is realized:

What are Weights?

·        Dream killers
·        Negative people
·        People that abuse you
·        People that speak down to you

     When you have a desire to move forward in life, then, you must understand that, this desire is yours and yours to protect solely.  There are people in this world, sometimes that are close to us, that will take your desires and annihilate them simply because they may not agree with it. Never allow dream killers to manifest nor keep attachments to you during your life. Dream killers are big anchors.
     Next, there are those that are simply negative. It’s hard enough to stay  consistent with what you desire to do and where you desire to go in life, but when you have someone in your life that badgers you constantly, …they can be considered a weight problem. You must understand this. The only reason that people are willing to speak (curse) in a negative way towards others, is because they are themselves negative. When you are a negative individual, one of your sole purposes in life is to condemn others. Negative people condemn others, because they themselves feel condemn. This is a major weight and negative people utilized this well.

       Onward, never settle for abuse. Abuse itself, is a massive weight. It ‘s massive because it has the ability to refract into so many different directions. Some of the ways that abuse can anchor you in life may deal with the physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual. Also, when this type of weight exist within your life for a long period of time, it can create self destruction in many different ways. Be careful.
       Finally, people that speak down on you is a weight that can easily be removed, but you have to be willing to lift it. I’ve seen this first hand. The tricky part about this weight is that, those that are anchoring you down,  may live in close proximity. This makes the anchor that much more difficult to remove. Why? Because many  have established relationships with people that may anchor them. This can easily cause you to see, only what you chose to see within the relationship. When this happens, you can easily overlook the very thing that is anchoring you down. 
So, always be cautious, move constantly (towards your goal) and stay free of the weights of this world. They are only in place to put strain on your life.....

Christopher Ty