In the words of Charles Barkley after hearing the comment made about NFL quarterback Russell Wilson not being black enough, he goes on to set the record straight. Mr. Barkley asserts: "For some reason we are brain washed to think, if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person. It's a dirty, dark secret in the black community."
This comment made, not being black enough, is a comment that most, if not all blacks can identify with. Not only is it a comment that many blacks can identify with, but it's a comment in which we have failed to come to grips with understanding. Once such a statement is understood, it is imperative to strip this phrase from the conscious of those to follow. For many years, blacks have struggled to identify with their own self identification label. Much of our being in "search of" can be seen in how we dress, how we walk, how we dress up our cars, the type of music that is embraced and the slang we sometimes use towards each other. In other words, many of us have accepted self annihilating experiences and when we witness other blacks outside of those parameters, it prompts us to bring about judgment about who they really are, because we are still in search of who we are.
The comment, "you're not black enough," is not only a shallow comment that arises from the minds of those that struggle with the insecurity of being black, but it pulls back the label on what ignorance stands for, leaving little room for educational, social, and at best, moral growth.
As Mr. Barkley eluded to, we should never adhere to anything that goes against the grain of positive morals and ethics. Without a shadow of doubt, we must understand that it's embedded within the conscious of everyone, that a person's looks, words and behavior becomes the first line of defense as to what type of character one is dealing with from the external side. In other words, I have no desire to look like a thug, act like a thug, or display behavior that is opposite of what I profess to be. These are things that have no color, they're simply traits in which we purposefully pass on from generation to generation only because of an accepted "affinity."
Finally, at some point, the art of educating our youths will have to rise up in the mind of all that have a desire to see growth over those things that sow destruction. Without the continuous education of the aforementioned, blacks will continue to adhere to self ignominy and will forever remain in search of quality character traits, which are already, seemingly available.
In the end, I agree with Mr. Barkley.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Please Share this With Jameis Winston: Florida State Quaterback
For the many of you that may know of or perhaps never heard of the star studded quarterback Jameis Winston, he is a force to be reckoned with. Like many other great quarterbacks that have come through the college game of football, Jameis is different. For one, Jameis won the Heisman trophy in 2013. The winning of this trophy is not only a high accomplishment but in part, it sets his athletic abilities at a different level.
There is no doubt that Jameis is a gifted football player. No one can argue that fact. However, as one look throughout the history of Jameis's life, there are things that are bothersome and perhaps he is either unaware of them, or there is no one in his circle that is willing to challenge his actions. So, as you continue to read this article, think of it as an article in which you would like to share with our good friend Jameis Winston and hope that he is willing to read this.
Hello Jameis, my name is Christopher. I have been a fan of your talent for several years now, but lately, I'm rethinking the whole ideal of what it means to be a fan, especially a good fan. Although I'm a Georgia Bulldogs fan, I felt it necessary to share this important piece of information with you and others.
There are some things that are concerning me with your behavior. Perhaps some things that you could care less to know, or perhaps your humility has been denounced and you are willing to go at it on your own. I've seen so many other good players that followed this route and in the end, they come out the losers. Jameis, I want you to understand that you should never allow your actions to speak differently than what you say you heart truly is. I'm sure you would say, "I have a good heart" right? Well, many of us will say this, but the end results are found within the actions in which you display.
For example, you should never allow your talent to take you places in which your Character can not keep you. This is of the utmost importance. Why do I say this? The reason I say this is because your character is reflective on your school's organization. It is not about you Jameis. You are simply lending your talent and you musn't forget that your talent can be replaced at anytime. Having said that, this is your time to shine. If this is your time to shine, then you should allow this illumination to be with all humility and not ignorance.
When I read the article that brought about your 1 game suspension, I thought, really..., again Jameis? You see Jameis, the organization of football is larger than you could ever imagine. Even the financial contributors that pour in on an annual basis for both college and the NFL are larger than you could ever imagine. Why do I mention this? Well, because I would like for you to know that it's a team effort and one bad player can easily be replaced. When I think of the billions and I do mean billions of dollars in which financial donors give each year to sports, the question then becomes, they really expect to see an outstanding football player act like a fool? Think about it Jameis. You have a talent that can easily become minimal with a "bad" hit or some unexplainable illness, why not use it to the best of your ability. If you decide not to act in good character, then its' ok. They will just replace you. You must remember, YOU NEED THEM, MORE THAN THEY NEED YOU. At this time, you are somewhat iconic in your own way, but this can easily be removed depending on your actions. You must understand this: When your talent is long gone, it will be your dignity and character that people will remember you by the most. You should never have the attitude of : "I don't care, or screw them" because the fans are the ones that have the ability to either accept you or deny you. In other words, it maybe your future and talent but negative characteristics can dissolve any and everything you may build during your college years in football or your NFL years to come. IF you don't believe me, think of the many great college players that have fallen by the waist side....Then ask yourself, why is it they failed?
There is no doubt that Jameis is a gifted football player. No one can argue that fact. However, as one look throughout the history of Jameis's life, there are things that are bothersome and perhaps he is either unaware of them, or there is no one in his circle that is willing to challenge his actions. So, as you continue to read this article, think of it as an article in which you would like to share with our good friend Jameis Winston and hope that he is willing to read this.
Hello Jameis, my name is Christopher. I have been a fan of your talent for several years now, but lately, I'm rethinking the whole ideal of what it means to be a fan, especially a good fan. Although I'm a Georgia Bulldogs fan, I felt it necessary to share this important piece of information with you and others.
There are some things that are concerning me with your behavior. Perhaps some things that you could care less to know, or perhaps your humility has been denounced and you are willing to go at it on your own. I've seen so many other good players that followed this route and in the end, they come out the losers. Jameis, I want you to understand that you should never allow your actions to speak differently than what you say you heart truly is. I'm sure you would say, "I have a good heart" right? Well, many of us will say this, but the end results are found within the actions in which you display.
For example, you should never allow your talent to take you places in which your Character can not keep you. This is of the utmost importance. Why do I say this? The reason I say this is because your character is reflective on your school's organization. It is not about you Jameis. You are simply lending your talent and you musn't forget that your talent can be replaced at anytime. Having said that, this is your time to shine. If this is your time to shine, then you should allow this illumination to be with all humility and not ignorance.
When I read the article that brought about your 1 game suspension, I thought, really..., again Jameis? You see Jameis, the organization of football is larger than you could ever imagine. Even the financial contributors that pour in on an annual basis for both college and the NFL are larger than you could ever imagine. Why do I mention this? Well, because I would like for you to know that it's a team effort and one bad player can easily be replaced. When I think of the billions and I do mean billions of dollars in which financial donors give each year to sports, the question then becomes, they really expect to see an outstanding football player act like a fool? Think about it Jameis. You have a talent that can easily become minimal with a "bad" hit or some unexplainable illness, why not use it to the best of your ability. If you decide not to act in good character, then its' ok. They will just replace you. You must remember, YOU NEED THEM, MORE THAN THEY NEED YOU. At this time, you are somewhat iconic in your own way, but this can easily be removed depending on your actions. You must understand this: When your talent is long gone, it will be your dignity and character that people will remember you by the most. You should never have the attitude of : "I don't care, or screw them" because the fans are the ones that have the ability to either accept you or deny you. In other words, it maybe your future and talent but negative characteristics can dissolve any and everything you may build during your college years in football or your NFL years to come. IF you don't believe me, think of the many great college players that have fallen by the waist side....Then ask yourself, why is it they failed?
Friday, September 5, 2014
The Mike Brown Case: A case of value and racism. Where do you stand?
“Anything that has
value is something worth having. Anything that is perceived of lesser value, is
often-times overlooked.”
First, I would
like to introduce you to the understanding of self- value vs. racism. When one
is born into this world, he or she comes here with an extraordinary amount of
worth. Their worth can be found in their mere existence, no matter who you are or what family they belong to.
Whether people accept it or not, we all carry a substantial amount of worth and
its’ our primary duty to extend this in the most positive way possible towards everyone.
As we grow up in this
ever changing world, there is one thing we know for sure and that is, just as
we are born, we must die. The statement then becomes, must we die from the
hands of those that misunderstand the value of someone else? Once we recognize
the value of the other person, this recognition should have nothing to do with
what color the person is, but it has everything to do with that individual’s self-worth
and value.
This leads to the next question concerning racism. What
exactly is racism and why is it still an issue in a country that is struggling
to heal from such past atrocities? First, racism doesn’t have any one
particular color it extracts itself from the heart of those that are truly incomplete and lack the knowledge of total love.
Racism can be expressed from any ethic group and it is “the belief that
race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a
particular race is superior to others.” Secondly, racism is, “Discrimination or
prejudice based on race.”
When it comes down to demonstrating or recognizing
self-value, one must understand that it starts with the individual, not their
race. The color of one’s skin must be internalized as an invisible sheath, if America is to grow from such negativity as
racism. Also, as a black American myself, I realize that whites come under
scrutiny for racism, whereas blacks (black man killing a white) are rarely coined
racist. (Hmm).
In the case
surrounding Michael Brown out of Ferguson, Missouri, I can see where both sides
can learn from this tragic event. I make mention of both sides, because this
tragic event has been perceived to be a racial issue instead of, in my opinion,
“forced police brutality.” The killing of Michael Brown has gained national
attention primarily because of what the masses are focused upon, rather than
what the police department out of Ferguson has failed to recognize and that is,
the value of the individual.
Onward, if the majority of blacks perceives any white person
who may be associated with police dept., corporation, etc., to be racist when
black citizens are killed by white citizens, then whites should be able to decry
the same thing when black citizens kill white citizens. In other words, the law of reciprocity
concerning racism should be seen from both sides, instead of one side. (By the way, crying racism back and forth
when murders occur from one group to the other will never solve anything.)
Secondly, the police department in Ferguson and throughout
the United States can learn from this tragic event only if they close their
minds to perceiving any one race of people to be vastly different from the
other race. In other words, we are all human beings and we all deserve a chance
at life. I would like to think that any
mother or father who may have lost their son to being shot at over 10 times and
hit 6 while unarmed could only consider
this as forced police brutality.
In conclusion, we must realize that the law (police, etc.)
is set in place for the protections of all. Not only that, but it exist for the
purpose of maintaining peaceful living amongst law abiding citizens. I make
such notion because when an officer gives an order, then, citizens should abide
by such order. There should be no argument, pushing, disrespect, etc., going on
between the law and citizens. Anything against a police order should be
challenged in court and not having to risk one’s life on the streets. Remember,
they (the police) are in a sense, “the law.” Last, when trained officers are
placed onto the streets to serve and protect, one must remember that no one
person’s life has more value than the next, especially when the end results are
to “serve and protect” all citizens under this great Nation.
By Christopher Ty:
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Blacks Marching in Missouri: An interesting case
When it comes down to protesting against violence, are blacks willing to march on blacks just as they are willing to march against whites? My answer.., No...
First, I have much respect for the award winning writer Juan Williams in his effort to respond to the question, "Why don't Black People Protest Black on Black Violence?" His answer can be found in the Atlantic.
The issue concerning some black people, not all, and their participation in marches only when the system comes against African Americans is strange. I want you to pay particular attention to the word system, because this is where the focal point lies within the psyche of many African Americans.
Juan Williams pointed out the number of marches or rallies that took place throughout America for peaceful demonstration. But, usually when marches occur with blacks taking a stand against their own, why is it that a number of murders must occur before they become reactive? In other words, this is the act of reactivity versus proactivity.
Speaking as a black man and in my humble opinion, blacks usually negate from marching on each other because we readily feel justified about our actions and have learned to accept blacks killing blacks. There are many reason that will substantiate this argument, but I will only name a few..
First, many blacks have not forgiven the system for what has transpired from years ago. I'm speaking of slavery and the actions taken upon slaves. This willingness to not forgive continues to riddle throughout the minds of many blacks. This keeps many at a frozen point and blinds them from the truth that takes place within the black community. More of a directive focus is directed at the system. A good analogy is the System being a step parent to black Americans who can be considered step-children.
Onward, this experience of not forgiving incites "reactivity " whenever someone from the white
community harms a black person. In truth, blacks shoot and kill blacks all the time, but there are rarely marches alike the ones we have seen in the Trayvon Martin case and now the most recent one
in Missouri surrounding Michael Brown. Here, the world now witness not only marching but massive looting and violence. Can any one explain the looting? Hmmm
So, why is this? The reason may lie within the need to have answers for such bad treatment stemming from the step-parent (system) syndrome and the right to be treated like biological kids. The word racism hasn't been broken down nor understood within the minds of many, therefore, leaving many to have a broken consciousness towards the system. In America, racism seems to be one sided and this is the problem. Killing is killing no matter what color a person may be. This must be understood.
From this misunderstanding, marches are usually aimed at the system and these type marches will last for days as we've seen in Missouri and other places. It is the system that many blame, whenever a white man kills a black man. The system has an associated value in which many black marchers can identify with, but psychologically, many blacks see less value when it comes down to how blacks perceive each other. This is why blacks youths can kill each other and very little is other words, there is no money in saving black youths. If we are to save them, the best investment will be God, love and education...Not MUSIC or SPORTS.
One case out of many involves Ladeddric Love in Atlanta, Ga. This 19 year old kid was accosted by two black men. One of them had an assault rifle at a gas station in Atlanta, Ga. and proceeded to shoot into the car a number of times hitting Ladeddric, the woman and child in broad daylight. Unfortunately, Ladeddric Love dies of his injuries..Where is the concern? Cases like this one has happened numerous of times and still no marches, until too many shootings have occurred. In case you didn't know, one shooting is too many in America. (The Noose On the Black Community)
Finally, the only way in which this type of asphyxia can be released off the psyche of black Americans is to establish value within ourselves. First, Blacks must educate and not tolerate senseless destruction at anytime from each other. This must start with educating youths to understand social morals, spiritual value and self respect before we ever get to pointing the finger at the system. Too much focus is aimed at rectifying the system, when in truth , we ourselves have become our greatest liability...
Christopher Ty
Author of "The Noose on the Black Community"
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Never Hearing the Pain....
Have you ever been told the saying, "you're so stupid, dumb, worthless, ain't good enough, etc" by someone else that you felt career for you? If so, guess what? They are Wrong. It is always painful to hear any type of verbal abuse, but more importantly channeling such pain words into the pits of no return is the key to overcoming it.
First, you must understand that your worth unto the world is priceless. I'll repeat that..Your worth unto the world is priceless! Once you realize that your worth is not predicated upon what someone else with a negative outlook may have to say, then you are on your way to being liberated. It doesn't matter if the person with a negative outlook is your spouse, mom, friend, or anyone else,..but the most important thing is how you go about separating yourself from such Negative words.
Secondly, understand your worth. Understanding your worth may entail (you) mentally telling yourself just how important you are to yourself. All to many times, people put others before themselves, but this is the wrong order. The appropriate order is placing yourself at the top. The
reason in which you put yourself at the top is because, if you are torn down or worn down over time
by abusive people, then you will become depleted of the good in which you truly possess.
Third, never believe a lie. Our emotions are truly elusive and sometimes we give others the right to control our emotions, but don't hear the pain. In order to overcome allowing others to tear you down, you must first start Loving yourself. The way you start loving yourself is by paying yourself attention, avoiding negative people, caring for yourself and even praying and being thankful for your mere existence in this world. Above all things, you must understand that you are such an important asset in your own life and anyone else that can't see you in that way can only be considered a liability in your life. So, never take on liabilities because they are always in the negative.
Finally, never allow others the right to dump their negative outlook into your life. Those that are involve in speaking to others in a denigrating way are themselves very troubled and emotionally
damaged people. They only feel a sense of gratification when they speak condescending to others but don't allow it. Remember, you are someone special, unique, kind and ever evolving. Just put your words into practice and go forward without hearing the Pain....
Always Believe In You even When Others May Not...
Overcome the abuse...http:\\www.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
How many times have you heard the statement, weed is not bad for you? Some even assert, weed is good for you as long as you don't do too much, right? Well, both statements and all other statements made in making weed look positive on any level is bad. The unfortunate part is this: There has been a break down of moral consciousness on many different levels within this great country, the United States of America. Trying to get weed legalized will only be another breakdown that can be added underneath the belt of those looking for acceptance into "self" destruction...
Weed not only introduces self destruction unto those that have a strong desire to take part in smoking it, but it is particularly devastating to the unborn who is trying to grow within an environment containing THC. First, lets look at the acronym THC. THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol. According to research, this substance causes the release of dopamine, and is a psycho-active substance found in cannabis. So, what are the effects on a child? According to a neuro-scientist by the name of Tibor Harkany of Karolinska Institute, "it affects nerve cells in the cerebral cortex. This part is responsible for higher thinking and memory forming."
Well, on the other hand, one may also ask, what is it that makes it bad and why would some states seek to legalize it? From this question, my answer will be short and simple. What makes it bad is its' ability to do great harm unto the body and as for some states want to legalizing it, can you spell dollars $$$$$$ signs?
In my introduction, I mentioned the break down of one's moral consciousness. In some bizarre way, I would like to think that if people can't be rehabilitated from a habit that is solely destructive unto "self," then, why not find ways to profit from them, while you can? A simple question is always fitting by giving a simple answer and this is the conclusion I've arrived at.
You see, weed is bad in soooooo many different ways. Although, much research doesn't show many cases in overdosing and deaths, ask yourself this question. Does it really take dying in order for one to learn from the break down of the body? How would you feel walking out of the grocery stores or Walmart with your kids or grand kids and what do you know, pot heads are standing around smoking at leisure? This would be a sad state of being, and it would only cripple and weakened the mind of those that are already finite, but misaligned from a truth of what true morals really stand for.
Finally, think about this. Why would you want to smoke when you intentionally know that it causes the following:
- Depression
- Short term memory
- Forgetfulness
- The lose of cognitive function
- decrease overall brain function
- heighten risk of lung infection more so than cigarettes....
These are only a short list of things in which it causes. Overall, it's your life and the most important thing in which one can ask is, "where do you have a desire to go in it?"
Topic by ChristopherTy
Monday, June 30, 2014
How does one build character? For the most part, people would like to think of themselves as being super individuals, right? Even some of the hardened core criminals or those that take pride at seeing others suffer at the expense of someone else, may still consider themselves as "decent individuals" when given the chance to create an analysis of self.
In the bigger scheme of things, we all have the potentials to be great in our own right, but how does one define great? Is great define as being popular with others while passing them by temporarily or is it defined by those that you have given the heads to on an upcoming job or assignment?
In truth, none of the aforementioned is descriptive of being someone of great character. In fact, I would like to think that having great character is synonymous to us giving of ourselves to someone else, in order that they may benefit from it. Let's think about it. How many times out of a month or year's time frame that we give of ourselves to help others without the expectancy of payback? Those of us that have the desire to become even more than what we are today, can only do so, when we find ourselves giving of our hearts in order that others may benefit from it. This is called a shared experience without expectations.
With all of the elderly that need assistance, the weak, the unlearned, or those that may have health challenges or learning conditions..., our communities are filled with those in need of someone in order to survive. In fact, we are all dependent on someone else in some way, form or fashion for survival.
So, when it comes down to constructing even greater character within our self, first analyze the foundation in which you have a desire to build upon. Are we really building ourselves up only to find out just how unstable our foundation is once the building is complete? Or are we building ourselves up with the intentions on utilizing a tool belt of generosity that consist of love, giving, sharing, helping, teaching, and understanding?
After all, the pathway in which we are walking along throughout this life is only temporal, so why not leave a legacy as we carry on.
Christopher Ty
In the bigger scheme of things, we all have the potentials to be great in our own right, but how does one define great? Is great define as being popular with others while passing them by temporarily or is it defined by those that you have given the heads to on an upcoming job or assignment?
In truth, none of the aforementioned is descriptive of being someone of great character. In fact, I would like to think that having great character is synonymous to us giving of ourselves to someone else, in order that they may benefit from it. Let's think about it. How many times out of a month or year's time frame that we give of ourselves to help others without the expectancy of payback? Those of us that have the desire to become even more than what we are today, can only do so, when we find ourselves giving of our hearts in order that others may benefit from it. This is called a shared experience without expectations.
With all of the elderly that need assistance, the weak, the unlearned, or those that may have health challenges or learning conditions..., our communities are filled with those in need of someone in order to survive. In fact, we are all dependent on someone else in some way, form or fashion for survival.
So, when it comes down to constructing even greater character within our self, first analyze the foundation in which you have a desire to build upon. Are we really building ourselves up only to find out just how unstable our foundation is once the building is complete? Or are we building ourselves up with the intentions on utilizing a tool belt of generosity that consist of love, giving, sharing, helping, teaching, and understanding?
After all, the pathway in which we are walking along throughout this life is only temporal, so why not leave a legacy as we carry on.
Christopher Ty
Friday, June 27, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
"Overall, I was torn and misaligned from the truth. The truth that I was lost, the truth that I was hurting and the truth of fighting against an enemy that manifested himself to look,walk, and think just like me."...
Why do people abuse others, is the question of the day? Well, those that are willing to abuse others are at some extent suffering from the very same experience at the moment or have suffered from it at some point in the past. Abuse is an ugly word and when it's not alleviated it has the tendency to not only spread, but it has the tendency to stay shut up within the frame of the mind creating great damage.
According to the CDC there are 4 types of abuse. They are: "Physical,
sexual, psychological and emotional abuse and threats of violence."
Each one of these has the ability to not only damage an individual if he/she remains dormant under the hands of such violence, but it can shape and form the individual according to what they willingly accept and are possibly too afraid to remove themselves from..
Finally, abuse should never be tolerated. If you find yourself being degraded, physically pushed around, or verbally and mentally harmed, then you are being subjected to abuse and you have the right to disconnect yourself regardless of who they are and where they come from. Remember, You are one of your greatest assets,.. don't allow others to damage you...
Christopher Ty
sexual, psychological and emotional abuse and threats of violence."
Each one of these has the ability to not only damage an individual if he/she remains dormant under the hands of such violence, but it can shape and form the individual according to what they willingly accept and are possibly too afraid to remove themselves from..
Finally, abuse should never be tolerated. If you find yourself being degraded, physically pushed around, or verbally and mentally harmed, then you are being subjected to abuse and you have the right to disconnect yourself regardless of who they are and where they come from. Remember, You are one of your greatest assets,.. don't allow others to damage you...
Christopher Ty
Thursday, May 15, 2014
How the Lack of Courage can Kill your Dreams
Throughout the many pathways of life, we embark upon experiences that are sometimes challenging and sometimes not. The question is; how does one cross those barriers that seem so difficult to conquer? If you can't relate to barriers in life, then think about that one resistance that seems to paralyze you with fear and holds you hostage for no apparent reason. Barriers could be you trying to get into a school of your choice, you trying to leave a relationship that is unhealthy, a desire to leave an old job for a better job one, or anything else that creates fear unknowingly. The answer is, you must have Courage.
Not only should you have courage, but you must practice courage with consistency. Courage is defined as "the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger,pain, etc."
When it comes to standing before barriers in life, make a practice of overcoming your barriers rather than taking the pathway of least resistance. In other words, without courage, it is hard to practice anything consistently!
Onward, life is filled with different types of barriers that don't go away. One may ask; "Well how do I conquer them?" First, you must recognize the fear that seems to paralyze your emotions. Many people fail at trying to maintain courage because they allow their emotions to dictate their pathways in life. In other words, having a weak mindset about the situation at hand will cause one to have a lack of courage which ultimately leads to failure. So, make a good practice of these 3 things below:
(a) Exercise your rights: This is done by believing that you have the ability to overcome that which is before you and without exercising your beliefs, your mind gets weaker.
(b) Speak it into existence: Some people will never believe in conquering their goals because they never speak it. When you speak of having courage, this solidifies your attitude towards moving through the storm standing before you. Remember; once you have moved through your barriers don't look back.
(c) Be consistent: Once you start moving towards conquering whatever it is you set out to conquer, you must be consistent. Don't just say what you have a desire to do, better yet, move your words into action and stay consistent with it. Even if you are moving one yard a day in conquering your goals, the good thing is that you're moving. This shows consistency and consistency pays off!
Finally, anyone that has a mind to think, has the mind to conquer. Remember, be courageous in all of your efforts when it comes down to conquering your goals. Don't allow others to confine you or contain you with fear. Liberate yourself beyond your wildest imagination and continue to stand upon your strengths and push aside your weakness.
By Christopher-Ty
Author of "For The Love Of Her"
Sunday, May 4, 2014
The ART of Believing in Self.....
I have met many people along this pathway in life and would you believe that some of the most incredible people struggle with believing in "self". Believing in yourself sounds easy, but in truth, when people fail to believe in "self" they end up getting trapped in bad relationships, battle with feeling inadequate when it comes to making hard decisions, or simply depend on a host of others in order to make a decision on whether or not to do it or not.
First of all, in order to believe in "self" you must understand that you are a unique individual that is capable of moving forward on behalf of your decisions even if others fail to see what you see. The art of believing in "self" is something that is bestowed within all of us. The difference lies within the way we choose to act on what we desire to conquer. Many people remain stagnated in life because they fail to see themselves any further than where they stand at the moment, so after while they become content.
If you believe that you have the ability to believe, then moving forward on your goal becomes an experience that is easy to conquer. For example, do you believe that you can set goals and conquer them? This question is relatively easy to answer because it doesn't require much work to say "yes" or "no". The problem starts with this. Many of us set goals, but then it stops right there. So many goals go unconquered because people forget to stay active at achieving their goals and before long, this theory of "belief" becomes diminished. As time goes on, we sometimes develop a mindset to start projects over and over without ever conquering them and after while we develop this type of behavior which makes us feel incomplete.
Here are some tips you can follow in order to make yourself a better YOU, as you create a stronger Belief within yourself.
- Know who you are and believe within "yourself" by speaking this subconsciously. I still make good practice by looking at myself in the mirror and saying, "you have the potentials to do what you desire. Chris, (I tell myself), I believe that you are able to succeed at this challenge. This is done for several reasons. First, words are powerful and if anyone is going to speak your future into existence, its you. Second, it helps to create a stronger belief systems within yourself.
- Next, Pull your potentials forward and give them responsibilities. There are many people that have potentials to do great things, but they never give their talents responsibility. When talents aren't given responsibilities, then their belief system becomes weaken overtime. Before long, one can find themselves giving up on many things and this only weakens their self-esteem level.
- Finally, remind yourself of the challenge. Whatever the challenge maybe that stands in front of you.., when you remind yourself of conquering it, this helps to exercise your belief in doing so. Exercising your belief is synonymous to exercising your muscles. Just as your muscles grow when you exercise them, believing in yourself will also grow stronger when you remind yourself of the challenge your're seeking to conquer. Remember this, if everyone in this world believed in you more than you believe in yourself, its useless.You always have the potentials to conquer goals, but without activity, you will remain stagnated. Christopher-Ty..
Monday, April 28, 2014
Donald Sterling: Money can't pay for Character...
The latest news circling around the United States involves one of the worst expressions that can sat upon the face of America and that expression is Racism. As many people know, racism has not only been a thing of the past, but as Donald Sterling just showed us, it can camouflage itself in the deepest portals of ones' soul and move through life with hidden agendas in the most manipulative fashion.
What is it that makes people feel this way about a different culture of people? Does people like Donald Sterling really believe that his race is one of the elite races or is it just a misfire of brain cells that causes a delusional state of being for the moment?
Whatever it maybe, one must realize that "you should never allow your talent to take you places, where you character can't keep you!"
As we all may know, having good character is not only essential, but its paramount if we are to live and interconnect with others. Some may say, "well he grew up in an era, where racism was taught" and easily let him off the hook for his finite way of thinking and his display of ignorance. Although it maybe true that his era (him being 80 yrs. old) may have socialized him to think in such a twisted way, he must recognize that its been the friendliness of time that has allowed him to rejoice in the wealth he's earned but now must suffer with the belief he beholds.
Not only does such a mark of racism reappears across the face of America from time to time but if it remains untreated, then this mark will open up more as infection sets in and take its course. This imperfect mark will never heal itself if Americans continue to walk around and never acknowledge the "blemish mark" in which everyone seems to focus on when staring "you" in the face.
Finally, the fortunate part is that there is a resolve for such a matter as this. The resolve deals with true acceptance and true forgiveness. The unfortunate part deals with the fact that some people simply refuse to demonstrate worldcentric love. However, if we as Americans continue to move through life treating others in a way we would never want to be treated ourselves, then America as we know it would always be seen just as others view Mr. Donald Sterling at this time and that is,......Fake.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
THE BEST OF YOU!!: Pulling Your Potentials Forward.....
THE BEST OF YOU!!: Pulling Your Potentials Forward.....: Have you ever been told that you wouldn’t be right for something or you don’t have what it takes? What about people saying: you’re not ...
Friday, April 25, 2014
Pulling Your Potentials Forward.....
Have you ever been told that you wouldn’t be right for something or you don’t have what it takes? What about people saying: you’re not cut out for this or you need to try something else? These words are what I call words of disgrace, and usually people that spew such words are people that are venomous. I want spend a whole lot of time talking about people that are venomous, but what I will talk about is you and potentials that are within YOU…
First of all, when it comes down to believing in “you,” you should be the number one candidate. It’s very simple but often too many times we need other people’s permission or opinion in order to get us over the wall, when in fact, we host the best opinion of ourselves, within our self. Having confidence is not a thing of the past, nor is confidence some old cliche in which people throw out there just to sound good. In fact, when you are confident in what you believe in, then the only thing that matters is how often you challenge your “potentials” to complete the task. That’s right! Many of us have potentials along with desires, beliefs, and other goals found shut up on the inside of us, but when we give our potentials responsibilities we slowly open up the door “within ourselves,” allowing our potentials to flow.
Furthermore, it is not until we open up those doors, that we will witness a change. As many already know, change is inherent, but when we decide to move forward in life, we must be willing to ignite our actions, if we are to move. Here are some steps to make it happen.
1. First we must be willing to ignite our actions. Igniting our actions will push things forward. I know many people that still talk about their dreams, desires, hopes, and every other thing you could possibly think of. However, only talking about it leaves you at the pre-planning stage which is held captive within your mind. You must get it out and act on it.
First of all, when it comes down to believing in “you,” you should be the number one candidate. It’s very simple but often too many times we need other people’s permission or opinion in order to get us over the wall, when in fact, we host the best opinion of ourselves, within our self. Having confidence is not a thing of the past, nor is confidence some old cliche in which people throw out there just to sound good. In fact, when you are confident in what you believe in, then the only thing that matters is how often you challenge your “potentials” to complete the task. That’s right! Many of us have potentials along with desires, beliefs, and other goals found shut up on the inside of us, but when we give our potentials responsibilities we slowly open up the door “within ourselves,” allowing our potentials to flow.
Furthermore, it is not until we open up those doors, that we will witness a change. As many already know, change is inherent, but when we decide to move forward in life, we must be willing to ignite our actions, if we are to move. Here are some steps to make it happen.
1. First we must be willing to ignite our actions. Igniting our actions will push things forward. I know many people that still talk about their dreams, desires, hopes, and every other thing you could possibly think of. However, only talking about it leaves you at the pre-planning stage which is held captive within your mind. You must get it out and act on it.
2. Remain consistent. Whenever you ignite your project in life, there must be consistency, if you are to see results. This is critical, because for many, some people are starters and some are finishers. If you find yourself being a starter or just a finisher, then there is a break within your ignition process that must be connected in order to move from start to finishing. This can only happen when you’re consistently working your goals if you desire to see results.
3. See the finish line. “Without a vision, people perish.” If you don’t know where you are going or if you can’t see yourself obtaining those goals, then your vision will surely perish. Why not believe in yourself and hang your goals on the wall. I have a small board in my bedroom and on this board, I’ll write down what I plan to accomplish, and I’ll put dates to them just to challenge myself all the more. In other words, I’m able to see the very thing I’m speaking and hoping to achieve.
4. Finally, Just do it! For example, if you plan to start exercising but can never seem to find time to do it, then just do it. I found this to be hard, but at the same time easy. On some days, there is not enough time in the day.., at least that’s what I’ve convinced myself of. But, when I need to exercise and I have to work, I simply take my lunch break and speed walk around the building or along the sidewalk during my break. I may spend 5 minutes inhaling food (not really), then I commit to my goals. You can use this example with any of your goals you have in mind. The thing to remember is to become creative, ignite your actions, stay consistent while doing so, see the finish line and just do it!
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