Sunday, May 4, 2014

The ART of Believing in Self.....

     I have met many people along this pathway in life and would you believe that some of the most incredible people struggle with believing in "self". Believing in yourself sounds easy, but in truth, when people fail to believe in "self" they end up getting trapped in bad relationships, battle with feeling inadequate when it comes to making hard decisions, or simply depend on a host of others in order to make a decision on whether or not to do it or not.
    First of all, in order to believe in "self" you must understand that you are a unique individual that is capable of moving forward on behalf of your decisions even if others fail to see what you see. The art of believing in "self" is something that is bestowed within all of us. The difference lies within the way we choose to act on what we desire to conquer. Many people remain stagnated in life because they fail to see themselves any further than where they stand at the moment, so after while they become content.
     If you believe that you have the ability to believe, then moving forward on your goal becomes an experience that is easy to conquer. For example, do you believe that you can set goals and conquer them? This question is relatively easy to answer because it doesn't require much work to say "yes" or "no". The problem starts with this. Many of us set goals, but then it stops right there. So many goals go unconquered because people forget to stay active at achieving their goals and before long, this theory of "belief" becomes diminished. As time goes on, we sometimes develop a mindset to start projects over and over without ever conquering them and after while we develop this type of behavior which makes us feel incomplete. 
 Here are some tips you can follow in order to make yourself a better YOU, as you create a stronger Belief within yourself.
  • Know who you are and believe within "yourself" by speaking this subconsciously. I still make good practice by looking at myself in the mirror and saying, "you have the potentials to do what you desire. Chris, (I tell myself), I believe that you are able to succeed at this challenge. This is done for several reasons. First, words are powerful and if anyone is going to speak your future into existence, its you. Second, it helps to create a stronger belief systems within yourself.
  • Next, Pull your potentials forward and give them responsibilities. There are many people that have potentials to do great things, but they never give their talents responsibility. When talents aren't given responsibilities, then their belief system becomes weaken overtime. Before long, one can find themselves giving up on many things and this only weakens their self-esteem level. 
  • Finally, remind yourself of the challenge. Whatever the challenge maybe that stands in front of you.., when you remind yourself of conquering it, this helps to exercise your belief in doing so. Exercising your belief is synonymous to exercising your muscles. Just as your muscles grow when you exercise them, believing in yourself will also grow stronger when you remind yourself of the challenge your're seeking to conquer. Remember this, if everyone in this world believed in you more than you believe in yourself, its useless.You always have the potentials to conquer goals, but without activity, you will remain stagnated.  Christopher-Ty..

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